I wanted to share some very exciting news. There is a new bar open in St. Louis or more exactly Chesterfield MO. and it is called the International Tap House (iTAP). I have not had the pleasure of visiting it yet but I have heard some positive things from my friend Tom who has been there. As you can tell from the name they have beer from all over the world. As you can see from the image they have 500 beers available 40 beers on tap all from 20 countries in one location.
Some interesting things to note they have the correct glass for each beer to be poured in. So not only do they have a large selection of diverse beer they want you to appreciate the beer the way the brewer wanted it be served.
Regarding food being served at iTAP, this is from the about us section of their website: "While we have 2100 cubic feet of coolers to chill beer to the perfect point we don't have a kitchen, but we do have a food menu. You won't go hungry at iTAP. Thanks to a partnership with our neighboring restaurants, order from us, we will get it from them and you can enjoy it with the perfect pour of beer."
I wanted to share this good news with all the St. Louis folks because I really enjoy and appreciate liquor stores, bars, and restaurants that have good and diverse beer selection (like my favorite Growlers). I have a feeling I am going to love the iTAP. I look forward to telling you about it in the near future.
Check out their website. http://www.internationaltaphouse.com/
They were also featured on KMOV check out this video.
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