Saturday, December 20, 2008

Long Strange Tripel * * * *

By Boulevard Brewing Company. Kansas City MO. Smokestack series this
is 9 % alcohol by volume. This is a great beer I have had many times.

Per the bottle "Lately it occurs to us that if, back in 1989, you
planned on starting a brewery in the back of your capentry shop, you'd
have been wise to seek out someone like Harold "Trip" Hogue. A
collector of ancient Volvos, Trip was well qualified for the make-do
engineering required to coax recalcitrant equipment out of retirement
and into making the first Boulevard beers. Today, he is our longest-
tenured employee. We offer this rich, golden Tripel in grateful
tribute to dedication everywhere. More about Trip at

Also check out one of the Brewer's You tube Video:  

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